Tuesday, July 27, 2010

tuesdays thoughts

after a weekend at the beach i feel both refreshed, and a bit of course.

life has a way of moving, with or without you, it seems.

deadlines. bills. chores. laundry. birthdays. work. holidays.

it's hard to maintain control.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

what a fun weekend

It takes a long time to become young.
-Pablo Picasso

My birthday began with brunch in Sylva and an afternoon of shopping... mmm how I love the outfitters and bookshops of the mountains! Followed a somewhat soggy hike along the AT. We were greeted at home with a runaway pup - the cutest runaway pup one could ever ask for and if my house (and wallet) were only large enough for paws that big! Dinner at Guadalupe couldn't have been more delicious, with a fresh homemade blackberry pie using the berries we picked at Farm 42. The next day our lovely hosts guided us rafting down the Nanthala. It's always good to get out of town.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

a reason to rejoice


Today I turn 24.

I feel like I am now entering uncharted territory.
It's not like 16, 21 or 30.
I don't have the same expectations I did for 23.

This is my life, here and today
and all I've gotta do is live it.
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Saturday, July 10, 2010

fishy friday fun

As I walk in the door I'm greeted by an out of town guest who eagerly proclaims, we've been drinking all day! uh oh! after being at work all day that's not the sort of greeting one usually anticipates. However, he quickly made up for it by sharing some of the delicious mead and wine that they had picked up. After my first sip I understood, it was simply too delicious to put down.
After annihilating some red pepper hummus... notice carrots, not pita chips! 1 point for me! We lit the grill for some steaks, tilapia and salmon. As the tilapia and salmon came in from the grill the four of us converged on the fish, devouring it before the plate could make it to the table. And how could you kick off a summer birthday weekend without some fireworks. I got to shoot my first bottle rocket :)
Let the birthday celebrating begin!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

wednesday words

This is a new day, one that I have lived before. I stay in the now and enjoy each and every moment. The past is over. Louise L. Hay

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

tuesdays thoughts

As it turns out, having three days off leaves time for a lot of thinking... here are a few ideas that I've been chewing on:

1. just do. sometimes all it takes is knowing your goals.
and maybe having a few strategies will help.

2. there is a constant in life.
that constant is change.
no two days are ever exactly the same.

3. my approach to food and eating has been a journey filled with lies.
it is time to break down those misconceptions.
eating is not just about flavor and feeling full.
and unfortunately, dessert is not mandatory to my well-being.

4. staying up until 4 in the morning reading, is glorious.

oh and mosquitoes suck.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I quit, because I am worth it. I am enough.

I quit.

Often we refrain from using those words. Quitting has been given a negative connotation, either it means you're giving up, or you're trying to give something up (like smoking). But sometimes we need to quit just to quit.

I quit. Not I am going to quit one day... or I am going to do my best to quit...

I can't fix what's broken by continuing to use the same tools.

Everyday is a revolution. A chance to do better. To be more grateful, appreciative, generous, loving, kind. To work harder, to focus better, procrastinate less, live more. Without a to-do list we'd be bored. So I quit trying to do what I've always done. I am going to move forward with using new strategies, new methods and a fresh approach.

Friday, July 2, 2010

just write.

I really do have greater intentions for this blog... as almost every blogger writes. It's just that I've crossed the line. I went from being recreationally crazy to officially nuts. I signed up for a full marathon. Now every move I make is in effort to run better. I eat it, I sleep it, I breath to run. It's amazing how time consuming and expensive this "cheap" hobby has turned out to be. Oh... was it four years ago... I decided "hey I think I'll run so I don't have to buy a gym membership" HA! A gym membership would've probably been cheaper... but perhaps not nearly as exciting as going nuts! So for now I will be running. I had a few ahh moments on yesterdays run, a little baby deer popped out of the woods just in front of me before seeing me, freaking out and running away. I had an inch worm hanging out on my shirt, not really sure how it got there. And well I ran for two hours. Almost a half marathon, which I'd say is a pretty big accomplishment, it's only the 3rd time I've ever gone that distance, yet it still just doesn't hold it's weight against the prospect of running for 5 hours (cringe) and I know that only runners really have any interest in reading about running and even then I find it's a pretty selfish, I mean, personal activity and while you don't mind giving someone props, odds are your goals and skill levels are a million miles (figurative miles that is) apart that I really don't have too many intentions about writing too much more about running. It's just something to do.