Friday, April 9, 2010

Status Check: Quarter 1

Upon realizing that we already a quarter of the way through the year, I wanted to evalute my progress towards my goals. Unfortunately, I'm afraid there isn't much to report. (I left the numbering the same as it was originally posted here but I only commented on the things that were valid.)

1. Reduce the waste that is produced in my home.
Doing: We are using the compost bin. I am actively making an effort to recycle all the paper products that I can. I am carrying a reusable bag in my purse.
What's next: Buy products that have less packaging, ie. buy things in bulk, loose, at the farmers market.

2. Work on muscle toning and development.
I am doing a Jillian Michaels workout dvd - 20 minutes of alternating strength, cardio, and abs- it's working! I can certainly tell a difference. Now I just need to be more consistent.

5. Begin training for a tri.
I am deleting this goal. I picked it because it seemed like a good thing to do, but really it's just the trendy thing to do, it's not actually something I want to do right now. I am riding my bike more now that it is warm. I will be happy to go swimming in the lake when it gets warm enough for that. But now's not the time for a tri. I'd rather run the City of Oaks again.

7. Take an art class.
I picked out two for the fall! Check out their Leisure Ledger- there's all sorts of stuff!
I think I should look into some type of meet up group too.

8. Read at least 3 classics.
Well, I read Prodigal Summer which was awesome. And I am reading A Prayer for Owen Meany, which is something that has been staring at me from my bookshelf for years, so I'll count that as one. I'm still not devouring books as I feel I should be...

9. Bake bundt cakes and deliver them to friends.
I will be making a carrot cake this saturday for my neighbor! I might try this recipe.

10. Spend one day a week exploring, playing, creating, doing.
Hmm... I'm not sure that I'm doing this. But I am spending more time relaxing and less time cleaning.


10 Shared Goals

1. Visit all of the state parks in NC.
We decided that was an unrealistic endevour. But I am documenting them as we go.

4. Go on more picnics.
I eat my lunch outside almost everyday. Now I just need to start sharing this tradition with other people.

5. Plant a garden in my backyard.
I can't take credit for this... but there is a bountiful garden being planted in my backyard.

8. Volunteer with at least 3 organizations.
One down, two more to go.

It's a start.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lessons from a four year old

I got to have dinner at the farm tonight and it was wonderful. It's amazing where a 25 minute drive can take you. When we arrived Scott's nieces were running and playing in the pasture, the older of the two, pretending she was a horse eating the grass, "chomp, chomp, chomp, yum!"
She's normally a bit shy at family gatherings, being the only child amongst 20 adults I really can't blame her, I was the same exact way. So usually I just hang back until everyone has bombarded her with hugs and kisses and she is able to adjust. But tonight see came alive in a whole new way. We played in the backyard, wrote our names in the pollen covered slide, told jokes in the hammock, and best of all made chocolate cupcakes with orange icing and red sprinkles (mom and I most of the icing while we drank our wine). Aside from the fact that she is most intelligent, mature, amazing four year old I have met (no offense to the other four year olds out there, but really, she is) tonight she reminded the importance of two things: 1. being concise 2. being silly.

Lesson 1. being concise. She asked me if I knew what a pattern was. I said yes, but why don't you tell me what it is. She said it is when you have two or three things and they repeat. Short. concise. to the point. If I tried to define what a pattern was I would have gotten myself lost in some long explaination about indian mosaics, and the scales of a lizard before finally reaching a simplified, bare bone, back to the basics answer. And I would normally justify this by saying, "I majored in English" but really? shouldn't I know the value of a word and use them accurately, intentionally and appropriately? But, nooooo I feel the need to use three synonyms for the sake of really driving my point home, making sure that you and I are both absolutely certain that you and I know exactly what I am saying and that I have the ability to say it in lots of words. Isn't that what I hated about a majority of the required journal articles put before me in school? They were so freakin' repetitive and wordy, and for what? To squeak in a few extra vocabulary words?! Hence, my really long explaination about keeping it concise. Maybe I'll get it right next time.

Lesson 2: Be silly. I have been trying to create my own "Narnia" "Neverland" I want a dreamworld of my own. I want to imagine how the world could be different. I want to use my writting and drawing skills to create a place that is beautiful, a place full of hope, a place that isn't as complicated as it is here as a means of conveying lessons for the living. But I approach the assignment with such a serious dispositon. It's fun to tell jokes. It's fun to be silly. It's fun to giggle. And so, on that note: What's black and white and red all over? (Hint: It's not a newspaper)

It's a zebra that tripped over a can of red paint.

Monday, April 5, 2010

RIP Sho Nuff

Legendary Raleigh Rider "Sho Nuff" lost his life in a scooter accident last week

You will be missed for all your creativity, enthusiasm and joy

a prophecy fulfilled.

I don't want to write the part that comes next. The part about going to new york to visit my grandmother in the hospital. The part about her being sick, the part about her dying. I don't want to think about that talk we had on the phone, how that will be the last talk we'll ever have on the phone. I don't want to think about all the cards I should've mailed her or all the questions I should've asked her.

May you rest in peace Kathleen Ramirez and may all your descendents live to honor your legacy. You were loved and respected.