Monday, May 24, 2010


here's to reaching in and digging deep
to looking for answers
when you feel like quitting
to making your own path
when you've lost direction
to being your own boss
when you can't find anyone to show you the ropes

some days you just need a little hope.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

enjoy the journey

it's hard sometimes. when life gets so chaotic, our to-do lists flow with such length, our goals tower over us, and the expectations we place upon ourselves are so heavy that we can't even make it to bat.

but day in, day out, that's what we have. the call may never come. and even when it does, we can't really know what it's going to bring.

friends shouldn't be taken for granted. health shouldn't be an assumption. decisions shouldn't be made lightly.

i have been so anxious the last few days that work has frustrated me, the phone calls from my friends have let me down, and when i go on my daily runs, i am merely running from myself. that's not how i want to live. that's not the person i intend to be.

be true. be you. and don't forget about the journey.

Monday, May 17, 2010

"I think you're crazy"

I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place.
Even your emotions had an echo
In so much space
Gnarls Barkley

Everything is up in the air. And that's just how it has to be for now. So I wake up each morning and take the adrenaline, the anxiety, the fears, the foresight and I run with it. I run towards the future. The future hopes of one day having a career, running a marathon and being an artist.
I run. Even if it all makes me a little crazy. And just take those moments when they come to enjoy the small things.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I have to run. It's in my heart. I can't help it. No matter how many times I quit, no matter how many months I take off, the first time I pull my running shoes back on, and hit the pavement, I know I'm exactly where I belong.
I think it's time to consider running the City of the Oaks full marathon. I have until 6/30 before the price goes up. If I can run a half marathon by then... then I suppose I should do it.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


the scent of honeysuckle is filling my backyard and it couldn't make me happier.

it's hard to believe it's already may. after backpacking last weekend, we came home to a cat in distress under house arrest... the week sort of escaped us, so much cleaning to do to get the smell out. cat urine is probably the worst thing that I have ever smelled. I will spare you the detailed description, let's just say we threw out nearly everything that had even the smallest visible drop on it.